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Greetings! I am Asel Phouangpanya, the proud founder of Besel LLC, embarking on a thrilling new chapter in the world of Amazon business. Having originated from a background in offline commerce, I am now excited to transition into the dynamic realm of e-commerce.

Previous Experience:

My journey began in traditional offline commerce, where I honed my skills in business operations and customer engagement. Upon venturing into the online space, my Amazon journey commenced in Canada, employing an online arbitrage strategy. This initial experience fueled my passion for e-commerce, sparking a profound interest that has since become a driving force in my entrepreneurial journey.

E-commerce Enthusiasm:

The world of e-commerce has captivated my attention since the early days of my online arbitrage ventures in Canada. The challenges and victories I encountered along the way have deepened my understanding and appreciation for the limitless opportunities within the Amazon marketplace.


Current Venture: Besel LLC represents my latest venture, strategically focusing on Amazon Wholesale. Building on the foundations of my prior experiences, I am committed to establishing a robust and thriving presence on Amazon's platform. The Wholesale strategy aligns seamlessly with my vision for sustainable growth and the development of enduring partnerships.


Seeking CollaboratorsAs I embark on this exciting new venture, I am actively seeking collaborative partnerships with like-minded individuals who share a passion for e-commerce. Establishing strong connections with suppliers and fellow entrepreneurs is integral to the success of Besel LLC. If you are enthusiastic about e-commerce and interested in exploring potential collaborations, I am eager to connect.


Conclusion: Thank you for taking the time to learn about my journey and the vision behind Besel LLC. I am genuinely enthusiastic about the possibilities that lie ahead in the expansive landscape of Amazon business. If you share a similar passion and ambition for success in e-commerce, I invite you to join me on this exciting journey.


Best regards, Asel Phouangpanya

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